Thursday, June 20, 2019

Larix International Chemical Biology Conferences

Larix International Chemistry Conferences

Larix International is a group of ranking publishers and organizer’s for scientific conferences around the globe nesting well-known Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, and Industrialists. Larix is a self-functioning, independent organization wholly focused on arranging conferences in multi-disciplines of research on various science fields. The conferences are administered by global influential scientists and scientific excellence. We are even open for the upcoming scientists and scholars, who are in need of a platform to give their voice a much needed larger volume.

International Conference on Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (Chemical Biology 2019) is going to be organized in the beautiful city of Singapore, on October June 20-21, 2019, primarily focusing on the theme “Interdisciplinary Approaches for Druggable Targets”.


Chemical biology is the study of the chemicals and chemical reactions involved in biological processes, incorporating the disciplines of bioorganic chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, and pharmacology. Chemicals – including natural small molecules, such as lipids, carbohydrates, and metals, or non-natural probe or drug molecules – are used to gain insight into biological problems at a mechanistic level. t only emerged about 20 years ago when chemists became interested in applying chemistry to studying biological systems. Initially, chemical biology was a way of making new small molecules that have biological effects and understanding how biological systems make small molecules, but the discipline has grown remarkably over a short period of time, attracting attention as a pursuit for better understanding and more efficiently utilizing biology and as a way of finding better drug targets and treatment options as well as better biomarkers and diagnostic strategies.


The Chemical Biology section publishes significant fundamental and applied for advances across all aspects of chemical biology, a rapidly growing field at the interface of chemistry and biology. This interdisciplinary forum highlights new chemical tools and techniques to visualize, understand and manipulate biological systems and processes at the molecular level. Topics include, but are not limited to:
·        Mechanistic studies on carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
·        Protein and enzyme design and engineering
·        Enzyme mechanism and biosynthesis of natural products
·        Biological systems engineered to perform novel chemical transformations
·        Intra- and intercellular communication mediated by small molecules
·        Design and use of novel molecular systems as tools to study synthetic and systems biology
·        Special chemical techniques (e.g. click chemistry and molecular imaging) to study biomolecules in living cells and organisms
·        Generation, distribution and function of small molecule-protein conjugates
·        Novel molecular probes to identify and characterize potential therapeutic targets
·        Large-scale studies enabled by the use of chemistry-based technology: proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, and glycomics.


Proteins and peptides; Lipids, carbohydrates and natural product; Receptor agonist and antagonist
Signal transduction modulator; Protease substrate and inhibitor; Synthetic methods; Structure-based drug design; Molecular modeling; In-Silico chemoinformatics; Nuclear Chemistry/Radiochemistry; Biophysical technologies; Analytical technologies;  target ; proteomics;  Chemical genomics; Molecular screening technologies; ADMET and drug design & delivery; Emerging Chemical and biological drug designs; Concept Ligands and breakthrough medicines.


Eminent Scientists/ Research Professors in the field of Medicinal chemistry and Drug Delivery, Junior/Senior research fellows, Students, Directors of Pharmaceutical research companies, Chemical Engineers, Members of different physics and Chemistry associations.

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·        Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
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·        The Serendipity of the Random Workshop

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